Monday, February 9, 2009

Valentine Dolls

Over at my other blog I am on a whirl of marathon Valentine paper doll making. I got inspired. A neighbor friend so dearly loves my dolls and wants to make one for herself so badly and has so little confidence in her ability to do so; I decided to try to help out. I know that there are others out there who want to make dolls and just don't even know where to begin. So I decided to just write down what I am doing as I make a doll and to write it in the simplest way that I am able to. The results are on TheFairyyellowbugQueen blog. I am having way fun. If you are interested in making your own paper doll, drop by. Or if you know someone who would be interested, they are most welcome.
Guess what happened today? My sister dropped by and brought me some of her homemade fruitcake. Yipee! I am just going to have a little nibble...

See you soon.

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